Friday, June 1, 2012

Ordinary Days.

Time for random pictures and little updates of us..

15th May 2012
Our new household gadget. Ion purifier. 
I seriously think every household should have this, one of the most amazing products. It clears odours efficiently. On some days I was woke up by Kieran's poo. It stinks so much that I woke up! Just imagine how powerful the smell is! now that we got this. I can sleep more peacefully.. hehe. (of cause  this is not just for removing of odours purpose only..)

"am i overweight?"

Look how cute he is! as if he knows what's the scale for. He just thought it was fun standing on it. (imitating me.)

Potty time! I read that we can start to train them after they know leant to walk. But seems like I still need more time and patience!
books borrowed for Kieran and mummy. Many people asked how I learn to take care of Kieran without a helper. well, mostly through trial and errors, through advices from friends, and through books! I read a lot of books before I gave birth to Kieran to prep myself. Of cause most of the things and parenting skills still we have to learn from real life experiences.
one of my loots during my shopping trips. 3 Oosh Kosh pants. 2 for Kieran and 1 of mei mei. =)
Really enjoyed cooking time lately. The satisfaction comes from my confidence and assurance that its healthy and safe to consume. NO MSG NO SALT. all natural ingredients! and also praises from hubby and smile from baby after the hearty dinner. All Tiredness is worth it.

A happy morning before going to school. Love his cheekiness. His smile simply makes my day. <3


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